Hey everyone. The Polaris Music Prize announced the 2010 nominees yesterday. A lot of repeats from previous years, Shad and Basia will get to go head to head again! You'll also recognize a lot of bands who've come through London in the last year or so. It looks like a pretty good list to me, lots of variety and it's nice to see some familiar faces. A lot of my fav albums are on here, with the shocking exception of No Ghosts by the Acorn and New Inheritors by Wintersleep. I guess they only just came out, but still...
Anyway, without further ado, here's the list!
Apollo Ghosts - Mount Benson (Vancouver)
Bahamas - Pink Strat (Toronto)
The Besnard Lakes - The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night (Montréal)
Blue Rodeo - The Things We Left Behind (Toronto)
Brasstronaut - Mt. Chimaera (Vancouver)
Broken Social Scene - Forgiveness Rock Record (Toronto)
Basia Bulat - Heart Of My Own (London)
By Divine Right - Mutant Message (Toronto)
Caribou – Swim (Dundas)
Jason Collett - Rat A Tat Tat (Toronto)
Crystal Castles - Crystal Castles (II) (Toronto)
Amelia Curran - Hunter Hunter (Halifax)
Fred Fortin - Plastrer La Lune (Montréal)
Frog Eyes - Paul's Tomb: A Triumph (Victoria)
Hannah Georgas - This Is Good (Vancouver)
Ghostkeeper - Ghostkeeper (Calgary)
Holy Fuck - Latin (Toronto)
Karkwa - Les Chemins De Verre (Montréal)
LeE HARVeY OsMOND - A Quiet Evil (Hamilton)
Greg MacPherson - Mr. Invitation (Winnipeg)
Dan Mangan - Nice, Nice, Very Nice (Vancouver)
Misteur Valaire - Golden Bombay (Montréal)
The New Pornographers - Together (Vancouver)
Owen Pallett - Heartland (Toronto)
Plants And Animals - La La Land (Montréal)
Radio Radio - Belmundo Regal (Montréal)
Justin Rutledge - The Early Widows (Toronto)
The Sadies - Darker Circles (Toronto)
Shad - TSOL (London)
Elizabeth Shepherd - Heavy Falls The Night (Toronto)
The Slew - 100% (Montréal)
Meaghan Smith - The Cricket's Orchestra (London)
South Rakkas Crew - The Stimulus Package (Toronto)
Tegan And Sara - Sainthood (Vancouver)
The Wooden Sky - If I Don't Come Home You'll Know I'm Gone (Toronto)
Hawksley Workman - Meat (Huntsville)
You Say Party! We Say Die! - XXXX (Vancouver)
Young Galaxy - Invisible Republic (Montréal)
Yukon Blonde - Yukon Blonde (Vancouver)
Zeus - Say Us (Toronto)